Thursday, May 1, 2014

WTF ... What the F**

These are were strong words coming from me.  But if the recent experiences are anything to go by.  I seem to be using these words more often.  And I am clueless as to why does the F**king world seem to slot people.  Why do people judge and compartmentalize.  Who do they think they are???  It is obvious my reactions are not common place...they sound angry, resentful and even down right mean.  But believe me, of late, I've met people who've had this effect on me.  I seem to be at my wits end trying to figure out why does everyone behave the way they want to and get away with it and I can at the most offer a lame excuse or deviate from the subject to hide the brutal scars they leave behind.

I was watching a NatGeo cover Photo episode on TV.  I see these beautiful talented photographers given a subject and having to capture the moments based on the theme presented to them.  Obviously, at the back of their mind, what is actually playing is not the theme and the subject, but the competition and their personal stakes and their reputation their self measurement and how they will perform vis-a-vis the others.  You see the whole focus shifted from something they loved to something they were forced to be a part of.  Actually if there were no competition and there was no measurement, these very photographers would have been about doing what their heart felt comfortable with.  Post this subject, they had to stand judgement at the hands to 2 judges. 

"Judges"  how I hate the word.  Judgement means having to measure up to what someone thinks is right or wrong, and how you have been able to connect with that judge on that level.  One of the judges was brutal with their evaluation of the photographs/moments/clicks.  While the other measured his words and was a little softer on the contestants.  I was like wow! Look at these 2 judges.  One has no bones saying what he/she felt like, while the other was considerate that there were dealing with people!  How very often we meet people like that you don't care whom they are dealing with.  

I asked my husband, why do these people take part in such contests??? Only to be slotted and measured by some peoples standards?  What a waste! Why would anyone want that??  What a way to live a live simply fulfilling someone else's expectations of you, rather than living by your own terms and living by something that makes you free!  I would never want that for my children.

Look at the world we live in today!  Filled with competition at every level.  Some people say that competition brings the best out of people....Hogwash!  It makes you an opponent when you could have been a collaborator!  What a waste of time and energy in trying to get ahead of others when you both could have been there together and enjoyed every moment there.  I have lived my whole life, surrounded by people envious of me because I had one talent - Learning!!!  It helped me evolve!  Better myself everyday...I had one focus! I am not competing with others I am competing with myself to better myself and to see how far I can go!  I don't remember ever saying no to help somebody (unless because of shortage of time)  Because helping someone meant I could bring value to that person's whatever he/she wanted to do.  I don't care for the appreciation....nothing but that opportunity to help that person and make them feel that someone cared! Cared enough.  Sometimes when you say could have been that, that the person has tried every other avenue and failed and maybe you could do something different for the person no one could have done! Fate simply doesn't bring 2 people together.  It is meant for a purpose.

Also, one cannot have all the talents in the world, one is constantly learning.  This blog is full of grammatical errors.  And I am not hiding from that fact that I am a bad writer or my english/grammar is horrible.  For the one concentrating on making others feel inadequate about themselves, this would be a key issue.  But for the one who wants to hear someone pour their heart out...this is all they would see and hear.

Sometime back I read about people writing on portals for community help, how their families, friends basically their support group, made them more anguished and depressed, because of their expectations!  They were sinking more and more into depression and did not know whom to turn to!  Imagine the very people you thought you could count on!  I wanted to know what sort of a support group would do that????  What kind of a support are you offering your friend if he/she cannot be their real self with you?  Why can't someone accept you the way you are??  Is it because everyone has this mental compartment in which you are required to fit???

I come back to being "slotted".  I have one thing to offer those who judge!  You are not God and you will never be!  You don't even know the ground rules to operate in this world, cause this world does not work on your say! Neither can you say anything that will change the course of things to come.  No one knows what will happen tomorrow.  You cannot even control the hunger pangs in your think you can control people!   I refuse to stand up to people's measurement of me..and I ask everyone out there struggling for acceptance ...not to.  You are your own master! No one can slot you.  Live your your passion.  Take that risk find yourself.  Atleast it was worth it rather than living in the 4 walls of a tic tac box!!

I am for one not telling anyone slot me!  And will never take it without a fight!

#fightback #judgement  #yourterms

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