Saturday, April 19, 2014

Love Lessons from Love itself.

I thought I was alone
This crazy world's tune unknown
I couldn't sing, I couldn't stand
What it is, I could not understand

Alone, Alone all alone I felt
This heart was empty and bare
My days were weary and cursed
I suffered, but I did not why
why should I this burden be tried

Weird, funny, queer, I'd be labelled
I felt I was living on mars
I did not understand what was going around
I'd look like a fool to the passerby

I struggled onward this deary road
Wondering who'd kiss this toad.
Wondering who would make me feel
Like I should laugh and enjoy it carefree!
Aching on the inside,
not a thing lasted, but for a while.
people, friends, good times...
Hold on still, be there for a while.
Nothing, nothing stayed on.
Moments, memories left like a breeze
Gently it kissed my cheek.
But that was all, there was to it.

Till I heard a soft voice speak
What is it that you seek?
Beloved, know that the love you have is divine
Waste it not on things futile.
Know that You are My love...
for more than me no one ever will you love
Cause I died proving to you My love
See My arms are stretched out and wide!
You are mine and I have claimed you for Mine!

Jesus, You are the sweetest thing that happened to me
When the world shut its door on me.
I stood by Your grace and even when my courage failed
You held me tight, never letting me go
Showing me what true lovers hold on to.
I've learnt from you the lesson of love.
It's not a is power!

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